It has been often told to us by our elders that our body is our most prized possession and you may gain and enjoy no monetary comfort unless you have a healthy body. Hence, if you have reached this far it can be well-comprehended that you know the significance of this implication and are willing to promote your body’s well-being and health.
Our body is in constant need of various nutrients and minerals if you are a hard-working person and often such hard-working people are not able to manage the time out for their body’s well-being. Their diet remains incomplete and their health slowly begins to deteriorate along with their productivity and mental condition. Hence, the easiest and quickest way to avoid such health disasters are Green Drinks.
Green Drinks are highly nutritious and easily hold the capability of filling all the gaps which one’s incomplete diet may leave behind.
What are Green Drinks and why is it Necessary for Health Benefits?
Green Drinks are the powdered form of various fruit juices, vegetables and the pulp mixed. Certain Fruits, vegetables and herbs are highly nutritious and yet buying them all the time and making a juice out of all of them is a challenging task. Hence, Green Drinks is a mixture of various vegetables and fruits to offer you all the benefits in a compact manner and without the time-consuming process of buying, washing, peeling and blending.
What are the best Green Drinks Supplement in the Market?
No. #1: OrganiGreens –

If we are true to ourselves, we all know that every kind of product has their good counter-parts and also their bad counterparts. Similar is the case of Greed Drinks. Even though at the beginning of the concept, the authenticity of the product prevailed; as soon as it had begun to become a trend, it resulted as nothing other than a haystack. Most of the green drinks nowadays lack the essential nutrients, the supplementation of which was the main reason behind making green drinks first hand. Yet, emerging out from this always competitive market, OrganiGreens is the product that intends to be the best amongst the best. It can claim so in rightful manners as well as it has left no gaps blank for anyone to point a finger at it.
The major point which already portrays the differentiating factor of OrganiGreens is that it uses “juice drying”, instead of “pulp drying”. An assured 6 times the amount of juice produced is added to the green drink powder of this supplement. Another factor which even enhances the potential of OrganiGreens is the fact that all the seeds of all the ingredients are ‘Sprouted”. This point is an important one as sprouting of the seed can multiply the vitamin and protein content by up to 4X.
Still, even after crossing the hurdle of making the product nutritionally efficient; what will happen about its taste factor? Ergo, no need to worry as this product packs in good news for that aspect as well. OrganiGreens does not at all taste like usual green drinks, whose bitter taste is the definite outcome of their haystack ingredient list. Even though, OrganiGreens will not be as savoury as normal fruit juices, it will still have enough fruity aroma and essence. This is solid proof of its authenticity and this feat also makes OrganiGreens way more approachable towards the crowd.
No matter how health-conscious you are, gulping down the same bitter solution every day will hit you with a combination of senseless taste buds and boredom. Hence, one should not put oneself into such misery when there exists such a great tasting alternative that helps you achieve all your fitness goals while keeping your taste buds happy.
Yet the best part is that OrganiGreens has ticked every list for both the boxes of taste and supplementation. The main strong points about OrganiGreens are:
- A variety of 14 various plants, mushrooms, vegetables, seeds and also spices have been added in the blend of OrganiGreens.
- There are 17 different enzymes which have been added in the blend as well.
- Also, Probiotic Strains are very strong in the blend. This way the digestion and the immune system of the body is being guarded from destruction and damage.
- Per serving, the calorie count is as low as 24 calories and 3 grams net carbs.
- There are no preservatives, additives, sweeteners, color, yeast, soy, and most importantly no GMO.
Is Organixx OrganiGreens a Value for Money?
OrganiGreens is worth every penny as it is the only product that is USDA Certified. This means that the formula used in OrganiGreens makes use of the highest quality organic ingredients. It has been made sure that the highest levels of federal standards and guidelines were followed while the making of OrganiGreens. Hence, eventually, it also means that this product is completely free from fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, GMO’s and any other harmful chemicals which have the potential of ruining the capability and quality of the product.
Thus, no preservatives or additives have been added to the mix or else it would not be possible in the first place to acquire such certification. Most of the ingredients which have been added in OrganiGreens have gone through double fermentation. With the help of double fermentation, the true nutritional value of each and every ingredient is brought on to the surface. Due to this the nutrients are also easily absorbed by the small intestine and hence supplement your body much faster. Or else these nutrients would have passed through the body while remaining unnoticed and undigested.
OrganiGreens is a superfood that can achieve all the factors of a healthy diet and it is also the easiest and simplest way of doing so. Every penny of the customer will be of complete worth.
How to Use it?
Using OrganiGreens is not much of a stress in any way. It comes in powder form. One scoop of this powder can simply be mixed with 8-12 ounces of water and this can be taken every day. It does not end there, OrganiGreens has been made with versatility kept in mind as well. It can likewise be added to your favourite smoothie, a glass of juice and also it can be added to bone broth and other soft foods.
Fresh Produce Blended in a Glass, Click to Buy Organixx OrganiGreens from its Official Website.
No. #2: Athletic Greens –

It is a comprehensive supplement that is meant to fill in all the gaps left behind by a normal diet. It is a green drink that comprises 75 vitamins and minerals and whole-food sourced ingredients. All of them have been hand-selected and has been carefully sorted out according to their potential and bioavailability. The nutrition which is received from fruits gains their value since these are the vitamins and minerals which are easily absorbed by the body. Not only has the effectiveness been focused upon but it has also been made sure that all of the nutrition is efficiently absorbed by the body.
Not only that but the mushrooms which have been added in Athletic Greens also support the immunity system of the body. Among the other advantages of Athletic Greens are:
- It is Keto and Vegan-Friendly
- There is no Dairy, Lactose, Sucrose, and dextrose.
- There is No Egg, Yeast, and Peanuts
- No GMO’s
- No Herbicides Pesticides and Harmful Chemicals
- No Colours, Artificial Sweeteners and Added Sugar.
Is Athletic Greens a Value for Money?
Athletic Green Powder is worth every penny because it is more bioavailable than pill-based supplements that have been manufactured in the TGA-registered facility of New Zealand. Not only that but Athletic Greens has also been made undertaking cGMP facilities and have directly met with FDA guidelines by auditing and reviewing every supplier and dealer.
Also, it is NSF certified. This means that each every one of the 75 ingredients have been readily tested. The facility is audited annually and each and every product has been approved by professionals and athletes. This facility has all its products under strict analytical and biological test procedures and hence the quality of the product is top-class without a doubt. Along with that it is made sure that it is low on allergen and less than 1g of sugar is available per serving. This way it becomes suitable for most diets.
How to Use It?
It is given in the form of powder, which can be simply taken in water or it can also be added to your favourite juice. Take one scoop (12g) and mix it in water daily, shake well and drink.
No. #3: Amazing Grass

About 70% of our immune system and health lies in our gut. Both, the gut’s microbiome and metabolites play an important part in supporting our immune health. Hence, will it be possible to support such a complex system with the help of plant-based supplementation?
Well, the answer is yes and that is where Amazing Grass comes into play. Amazing Green is a plant-based powder that packs in all the supplementation which a normal diet usually lacks. Various unhealthy lifestyle patterns tend to affect our body throughout the years. This way the immunity system of the body is also damaged in unending ways and hence leading to a variety of diseases. It is a bundle of nutritious greens which highly supports the cell connection in our gut, making our immune system even stronger with every passing day.
Along with that it also packs in strong antioxidant releasing compounds. Antioxidants are highly important as they can fight back against toxins and also remove the damaged cells in the body. This way not only is our body protected from internal damage but also collateral damage from the already affected cells. Yet the plus-points do not end at their effectiveness. This product is also a pleasant touch to your taste buds. It does not taste boringly the same as the other organic drinks. One can uplift his body’s system while relishing its taste
Is Amazing Grass a Value for Money?
It is completely worth the buy as no compromises have been made in the making of Amazing Grass. All the ingredients are directly grown in nature instead of cultivating in an artificial chamber. It is made sure that all the plants are grown outdoors withstanding harsh temperature as that is the sole time when the deep root structures occur unlike the ones grown in trays. Hence, all the grasses suck up the maximum nutrient possible from the subsoil where the real jackpot lies.
Ergo, it makes the product extremely nutritious and there remains no need of adding any further preservatives and additives. The blend itself is powerful enough to bring about all the points of supplementation.
How to Use it?
It can be used in various ways. One can simply mix one scoop and blend it in water, and juices. Well, those are not the limitations as it can also be used for baking, salad dressing and more. Its unique taste makes it flexible enough to be mixed in almost any food structure and yet make that meal even more delicious and mainly nutritious.
Some Common Ingredients that are found in All 3 Drinks:
- Organic Alpha Grass Powder – Alfalfa is a member of the legume family with a long history in the department of traditional cure of ailments. It has loads of bioactive plant compounds which include saponins, flavonoids, phytoestrogens, coumarins, alkaloids, phytosterols, vitamins, amino acids, and digestive enzymes. The combination of all these powerful components makes Alpha Grass a protagonist of the entire supplementing play. The cellular lining along the digestive tract of the body is refurbished and is made much stronger and more durable. The secretion of digestive enzymes is heightened and also the body becomes much more able in digesting complex lipids.
- Organic Wheat Grass – Wheatgrass is overloaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that bout unrestricted radicals to stop cell damage and decrease oxidative pressure. It also comprises treasured chlorophyll, a green pigment that holds the power in providing endless health benefits, including increasing levels of glutathione.
Glutathione is also often referred to as the best anti-oxidant as its resistive power against harmful toxins is in comparison to no other. Since this ingredient removes damaged cells as well, the neighbouring cells are also protected from collateral damage. - Organic Carrot Powder – It is truly hard to imagine that initially, a carrot was never a food but only a medicine. During the early ages, a carrot was the main ingredient used in problems regarding stomach, bladder, jaundice, and even during menstrual pains. Recent researches have also shown that carrot can contribute in fighting against cancer up to some extent.
All of this fame comes only because it is the most easily available and also the richest source of natural Vitamin A and beta-carotene. Both of these are very powerful for eye health, immune function, and many other aspects of the body.
Some Ingredients that are found in both Organic Greens and Athletic Greens
- Organic Reishi Mushroom – Also known as, “The Mushroom of Immortality“, it has been continuously showing its power for nearly 2000 years in Asia for improving the resilience of both mind and body. Not only is it immensely supportive for reinforcing the immune system at its core but it has also shown a great deal of potency in eliminating toxins more efficiently. Along with that it also removes any and every free radical in the body which are the main contributors in the aspects of ageing. Now you may realize where its nickname derives from. Yet, its biggest contribution is its innate capability in increasing the efficiency of the liver’s rate of metabolism.
- Organic Shiitake Mushroom – Shiitake has been the main ingredient in Chinese culture to fight against the common cold, energy-boosting, and wellness enhancement. Not only is shiitake one of the world’s most prevalent culinary mushrooms, its powerful anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties are also the one that supports the immune system.
- Organic Spinach – Well it is very normal for Popeye to have such immaculate strength. Yes, indeed, spinach packs in an excess number of vitamins and minerals including folate, niacin, vitamin A, B6, C, and K. Not only that but it is also a pool of essential minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, copper, manganese, and zinc. All of this combines to make spinach a secret power source for not only Popeye but also for us that facilitate weight loss, reduce blood sugar levels, supports bone health, reduces hypertension and the list of benefits are endless.
Some Ingredients that are found in both OrganiGreens and Amazing Grass
- Fermented Organic Lemon – It has always been a rich source of Vitamin C due to its high levels of citric acid. Lemon comprises potent phytonutrients and antioxidants which not only supports the body’s immune system but it also has great effects on the well-being of the respiratory function. Researchers have proved over the years that if a person consumes ample vegetables and fruits which are high in vitamin C that person has an overall chance of avoiding death from various causes. It includes heart disease, stroke, as well as cancer.
- Fermented Organic Kale Leaf Powder – Kale is the ultimate of all green superfood as it is a very powerful antioxidant which has the neutralizing capability of several free radicals and has numerous times the suggested daily quantity of vitamins A, K, and C. Above that Kale also packs in a healthy dose of protein.
Kale is also a powerful detoxifier. This way your heart rate is also maintained. Yet the positive sides do not end here as it also has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial traits. With the help of Kale, the body remains protected from all angles.
Unique Definite to Organixx OrganiGreens
- Organic Sprouted Chia – The name itself translates to “Strength” in the Mayan language. These tiny seeds acted as a prized possession for ancient warriors for providing strength, energy, and stamina. Chia seeds main contributing point lies in the fact that it contains loads of omega-3 fatty acids and it is high in dietary fibre, protein, and minerals. The minerals include calcium, copper, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.
- Organic Sprouted Chia – Pulsating with fibre and nutrients, purple maize is a natural source of antioxidants, phytonutrients, and flavonoids. It also contains rich amounts of anthocyanin, which is a powerful antioxidant that’s been deliberately studied for its capability to stimulate tissue regeneration, boost blood flow, and provision healthy levels of inflammation in the body. This way the heart is always in a healthy state and hence the circulatory system of the body also remains healthy. This assures a person with long life and also a healthy one.
- Organic Turkey Tail Mushroom – Turkey tail mushroom comprises plenty of antioxidants and polysaccharides, additionally it also compliments itself with high levels of selenium, vitamins D and B3. All of these nutrients are significantly important for maintaining immunity.
Turkey tail is also an outstanding prebiotic for the microbiome. The gut is supported with probiotics which helps its cellular lining to produce enzymes at a higher rate. It is also an excellent performer in fighting against toxins and free radicals.
- Organic Red Bell Pepper – Bell peppers comprise a capital of nutrients and are also a benevolent source of vitamin C, A, and B6. The other forms of vitamin B are also included in this list (B2, B3, folate, and pantothenic acid) along with vitamin E. Minerals such as potassium, molybdenum, and zinc make Red Bell Paper an excellent supporter of the nervous system as the nerve impulses in our body are nothing but charged ionic forms of the minerals, we intake in our diet.
- Organic Ginger – Ginger is a compelling aromatic herb and a respectable natural source of vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, copper, and manganese. It has been lurking in the medicines of Asia for a long time to treat stomach-aches, diarrhoea, and nausea.
It dates as long as being one of the key ingredients in Ayurvedic medicine to break down toxins. Also, it helps in strengthening immunity and cleanse the lymphatic system. All of these attributes helps reinstate the body’s functioning in various ways and also creates a cycle of well-being among the organs of the body. - Organic Wild Leaf Lettuce – It is an ingredient which is very low in calorie, and yet leaf lettuce is a depot of numerous phytonutrients that hold health-promoting causes. Along with that, it possesses various disease prevention properties.
The composition includes vitamins A, K, and C, as well as beta-carotene, B-complex vitamins, folate, and iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. All of these factors are highly useful in promoting body metabolism.

All the Nature Fresh Good Stuff you can now find under one Roof, Tap to visit Organixx OrganiGreens Official Website to Order.
Comparing the 3 Best Super Greens Juices in the Market
OrganiGreens | Athletic Greens | Amazing Grass | |
Purpose | A mixture of all the essential green products to aggravate all the important functioning of the body. | A green supplement powder which provides energy and protection to the body with the help of proper nutrition. | Makes use of green grass to improve the immune system of the body by supporting the gut of the body. |
Price | $69.95 | $79 | $39.99 (Shipping Free Extra) |
Guarantee | 365 Days Money Back Guarantee | 60 Days Money Back Guarantee | Information Unavailable. |
Gluten, Soy, And Dairy-Free | Yes | Yes | Yes |
USDA – Organic | Yes | Yes | – |
Non-GMO | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Organic Alfalfa Grass (Leaf Powder) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Organic Wheat Grass (Leaf Powder) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Organic Sprouted Shia (Seeds) | Yes | – | – |
Organic Sprouted Purple Corn Maze (Seeds) Flour | Yes | – | – |
Organic Turkey Tail Mushroom (Trametes-Versicolor) Mycerium | Yes | – | – |
Organic Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma-Lucidum) (Mycleium and Fruit Body) | Yes | Yes | – |
Organic Shiitake Mushroom (Leantinula-Edodes) (Mycelium) | Yes | Yes | – |
Organic Spinach (Leaf) Powder | Yes | Yes | – |
Organic Carrot (Root) Powder | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Organic Red Bell Pepper (Fruit) Powder | Yes | – | – |
Fermented Organic Lemon (Fruit) Powder | Yes | – | – |
Fermented Organic Kale (Leaf) Powder | Yes | – | Yes |
Fermented Ginger (Root) Powder | Yes | – | – |
Fermented Wild Leaf Lettuce ({Leaf) Powder | Yes | – | – |
Eco-Friendly Packaging | Yes | Yes | – |
Who in the Market stands out as the Best Alternative to Athletic Greens?
Well, isn’t it evident enough from the comparison chart itself? OrganiGreens can be considered as the only best alternative that Athletic Green could possibly have. Here are a few reasons, why:
- Even while having the certification of NSF, the manufacturing process of OrganiGreens has far exceeded the rhetoric techniques.
- It is the only supplement whose making process goes through double fermentation which increases the bioavailability of the ingredients used in the supplement by leaps and bounds.
- Not only that but since each and every seed of the ingredients are sprouted and then made to blend, the effectivity of the product increases by 4 times as compared to other techniques used by other competitive brands.
- Also, there are many potent ingredients which are unique to OrganiGreens and are not present in Athletic Greens.
- And, a 365 that is, a 1 Year Money Back Guarantee by OrganiGreens adds way more value to it than a 60 Days offered by Athletic Greens.
Hence proving enough of a strong point, and this is why Organixx OrganiGreens has a superior hand not only over Athletic Greens but other green drinks as well.

Juicing now made Easy, Fun, Tasty and Nutritious, Buy OrganiGreens from Official Website.
As discussed in the beginning, attaining success in the professional life is important but nothing has any significance if one does not have a healthy body to enjoy all that success. Thus, keeping in mind the importance of physical well-being, green juices are the best method of attaining that. Ergo, a detailed comparison has been performed amongst the best and also the best of the best is sorted out. It has been done so that a person faces no confusion of any kind before taking his/her first step into the world of physical well-being and a healthy lifestyle with green drinks.

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